2024 California Distinguished Schools
San Diego Unified Schools Highlighted as 2024 California Distinguished Schools02/9/20
Nine San Diego Unified schools received the prestigious honor of being designated a California Distinguished School for 2024.
The list includes schools that either closed the achievement gap or demonstrated exceptional student performance.
Specifically, schools were chosen by analyzing data reported through the 2023 California Department of Education Dashboard, with a focus on demonstrating excellence and growth in academic achievement and ensuring a positive school climate. Information regarding the 2023 Dashboard can be found here.
2024 San Diego Unified California Distinguished Schools
Challenger Middle School
De Portola Middle School
Kearny College Connections
Kearny Engineering, Innovation, and Design
Kearny School of Biomedical Science and Technology
Marston Middle School
Muirlands Middle School
Standley Middle School
Taft Middle School
Statewide, 293 middle and high schools were selected for this year’s honor. Among them are 21 schools from San Diego County’s 42 districts and charter schools. Click here to view the complete list of California Distinguished Schools for 2024.
Since its inception in 1985, the California Distinguished Schools Award remains one of the state’s most important ways to celebrate exceptional schools, districts, teachers, and classified employees for their innovation, talent, and success in supporting students.