Tutoring Information

After School Tutoring (Homework Club in the Media Center)      Homework Club Rules (Revised 12-11-24)

Please Click here for information about Homework Center at your Local Library

Homework Club is every Tuesday & Thursday 3:00 - 3:55 p.m. during the school year starting September 24, 2024 until May 15, 2025.

Students MUST sign-up at lunch time on Tuesdays and Thursdays in order to participate in homework club.

Late Buses leave at 4:15 every Tuesday & Thursday!

Late Bus only drops off at:

Oceanview @ S. 45th St. (NW) (approximately 4:47 p.m.)

Epsilon @ S. 39th Street (SE) (approximately 4:53 p.m.)

Epsilon @ S. 42nd Street (NE) (approximately 4:55 p.m.)

S. 42nd Street @ Delta St. (approximately 4:55 p.m.)


Dear families and students:

Our after-school homework academy is on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:55-3:55 in the Media Center.

Below are behavior guidelines and expectations:

  1. Students must complete the sign-up sheet at lunch or they will not be accepted.  

  2. Students arrive no later than 3:00 and must sign in on entry.

  3. Students MUST have planners and power school log-in information.

  4. Students have all necessary materials to complete work (Plan ahead).

  5. Students will respect all students, mentors and staff.

  6. Students should have a book to read when they finish their homework.

  7. Students may bring snacks, but it is important that they clean up after themselves.  If they abuse this privilege, then they will not be allowed.

  8. All school rules and Prime Time rules apply. 

  9. No games or social media on phones or computers.

  10. Students may not leave homework academy early without signing out.  Students that ride the late bus may not leave early at all.  Students in PrimeTime will be expected to go directly to PrimeTime.

  11. If students don’t follow any of the above rules, then the following will occur:

  1. The first time the student’s behavior requires staff intervention, they will receive a Homework Club Referral which will be filed as a warning.

  2. The second time the student misbehaves, they will receive another referral, it will be

given to the counselor, a call home will occur, and they will not be allowed to return for

4 Homework Club Sessions.

  1. The third time the student misbehaves, they will receive a last and final referral,

which will be given to the Vice Principal, parents will be called and the student will not be allowed to return.

The purpose of Homework Club is for students to get assistance on any homework from either a staff member, peer tutor, or volunteer. Homework Club is not an after-school care program, or a holding area between school and outside activities. Students MUST bring something to do at all times. It is not a time to just socialize and distract others and students may be asked to leave.

Thank you for your understanding.


William Pearson


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