District Sexual Health Education Program

Please Visit link below for more information

Curriculum Preview

Standley Middle School


Dear Parent/Guardian:

California state law, the California Healthy Youth Act, requires that comprehensive sexualhealthandHIVpreventioneducationbeprovidedtostudentsatleastonceinmiddleschooland once in high school, starting in grade7. A school district may also provide comprehensive sexual health or HIV prevention education earlier than grade 7 consisting of age-appropriate instruction and medically accurate information on any of the general topics. In keeping with these requirements and guidelines, San Diego Unified School District offers comprehensive sexual health education in grades 6, 8, and high school. TheCaliforniaHealthyYouthAct, corresponding CA Education Code, and other instructional resources can be found on the Sexual Health Education Program's website

Please note that parents or guardians may excuse their child from the sexual health instruction for this school year by providing a written note in their preferred language to their child's teacher. The note should simply state that they are excusing their child from the instruction, include their child's name, and be signed by the parent or guardian. There is no need for any reason to be stated in this note.

Instruction must be inclusive of all students, encourage students to communicate with parents or guardians about human sexuality, and provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to develop healthy attitudes concerning adolescent growth and development. Thefollowing topics must be included:

  • Information about HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), includingtransmission,FDA approved methods to prevent HIV and STIs, andtreatment
  • Information that abstinence is the only certain way to prevent unintended pregnancy, HIV,and other STIs, and information about the value of delaying sexualactivity
  • Discussion about social views of HIV andAIDS
  • Information about gender, sexual orientation, and the harm of negative gender stereotypes
  • Information about healthy relationships and skills to avoid unhealthy behaviors andsituations

In addition, instruction in grade 8 and high school must include:

  • Information about accessing resources for sexual and reproductive healthcare
  • Information about pregnancy, including FDA approved prevention methods and pregnancy options

Instruction will be provided by district classroom teachers or health agency educators trained in the curriculum. These agencies may include Family Health Centers of San Diego, Operation Samahan, Planned Parenthood, and San Ysidro Health Center. Instruction will be taught starting at the end of May.


Mr. William Pearson

This resource was developed incollaborationwiththeACLUofCalifornia. For more information, go towww.aclunc.org/sex_ed.

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