Promotion Requirements

8th Grade Activities & Promotion Requirements 21-22 School Year



8TH GRADE ACTIVITIES & PROMOTION REQUIREMENTS Standley Middle school provides several 8th grade events to celebrate the successful completion of middle school for our students. These activities include, but may not be limited to, 8th grade activity, and the Promotion ceremony. The entire Standley staff hopes all eighth grade students will qualify for participation in all activities. What a wonderful way to end students’ middle school years and provide encouragement and motivation for a successful high school career and beyond! However, participating in eighth grade activities is considered a privilege. Students must demonstrate they have had a successful educational experience at Standley Middle School, based on a positive academic and citizenship record. Listed below are criteria used to identify students who may be disqualified for some or all of our middle school culminating events: ♦ Students who receive 2 or more F’s in any academic classes during second semester at the 12 week grading period ending April 23, 2021 may be excluded from all promotion activities. ♦ Students must have a minimum of a 2.0 GPA (both academic and citizenship) in order to participate in promotion activities. ♦ Four or more referrals (including bus referrals/Dress Code Violations/attendance/etc.) in one semester are considered excessive and will be cause for disqualification. Students and parents will be alerted regarding behavioral concerns when referrals are written by a teacher and/or handled by an administrator or counselor. ♦ Any out of school suspension or in-school suspension for a full day or more are severe consequences at Standley and are cause for disqualification.

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