Weekly Principal Calls to Families and Staff
As the Principal of Standley, I believe that communication between the school and families and staff is of utmost importance. Thus, I strive to send a phone call to our Standley families as necessary, usually at 6:00 p.m. I hope you appreciate the phone calls and the information they provide.
1/31/25 6 p.m.
Hello Standley Famlies,
This is principal Bill Pearson calling with your weekly update. Winter Middle School Athletics are still underway with all teams entering the playoffs. We wish our Seahawks the best of luck! Spring sports are just around the corner and registration has opened for Flag Football, Wrestling, and Cheer. You may click on the link in the corresponding email or go to the middle school link at www.sdusdathletics.com to register. Students may also find posters at school with the information. Spring season begins February 24th. UC EdUCate! is excited to invite you to attend the annual Taste of the Triangle event set for March 21st from 7-10pm. Join us at the beautiful Torrey Pines Farmer and the Seahorse to sample some of the finest restaurants in the Golden Triangle and raise funds for all 5 UC schools.
SDUSD is inviting you to join District leaders on Tuesday, February 4, from 5:00-8:00 p.m. at the Ballard Center Auditorium at 2375 Congress St, San Diego, CA 92110. Together, we will discuss the recent release of the Governor’s Proposed Budget, its potential impact on San Diego Unified, and our fiscal advocacy priorities. This is the next step in a set of actions that will inform our efforts to present our second interim report in March and deliver a final balanced budget for our Board of Education to adopt in June. The San Diego Seals lacrosse team invites your family to tomorrow’s game. They are offering free tickets for students and any additional tickets will provide 20% of proceeds to Standley Middle School. Cheer them on and support our school at the same time. Click on the link in the corresponding email or
call Armando Gonzalez at: (619) 574-5734 to secure your tickets for the fastest game on two feet! Finally, just a reminder that the President’s Day is coming in February and school will be closed on February 14th and 17th. We will resume a normal schedule on the 18th.
1/24/25 6 p.m.
Hello Standley Families,
This is principal Bill Pearson calling with your weekly update. Over 40 United States Marines were on campus today running students through drills in PE and interacting during lunches. We are so grateful to partner with them each year and thank them for their service. The UC Cluster meeting is scheduled for Monday, Jan. 27th at 4:30 p.m. via Zoom so put a hold on your calendar and we look forward to seeing you there. The deadline to order your 8th Grade Yearbook Ad is February 1st. Please go to Standley Yearbook on the Standley webpage to access the link and yearbook is currently collecting baby photos from 8th graders. If you have an 8th grader, yearbook is requesting one baby photo and you can submit it to the yearbook link on our website. Next week is Great Kindness Week at Standley Middle School. We will celebrate the colors of kindness all week and students can start by supporting the Spirit days posted on the counseling website. Monday wear Pink to celebrate love, and Tuesday wear Red to acknowledge the importance of loyalty. Homework Club has been cancelled for Tuesday, January 28th, to accommodate the 6th grade awards and there will not be a late activity bus that day. Finally, we are planning to host a second round of Lunch on the Lawn this semester and want you to hold some dates. These are subject to weather and may be changed so be sure to listen for updates in the 2 weeks leading up to the events. 6th grade will be on March 13th, 7th grade on March 20th, and 8th grade on March 27th.
1/17/25 6 p.m.
Hello Standley Families,
This is principal Bill Pearson calling with your weekly update. School will not be in session on Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We will return to a normal schedule on Tuesday. The National Scripps Spelling Bee at Standley was an epic event this year with qualifying rounds held in English classes. The all-school Spelling Bee final was on Wednesday and all of our spellers gave it their best. The Standley Spelling Bee champion this year was 8th grader, Evan Luhrs who will move on to represent our school. Congratulations to all those who competed. The next PTSA General Association Meeting will be Jan. 22nd at 6:30 in the media center and virtually. The UC Cluster meeting is scheduled for Monday, Jan. 27th at 4:30 p.m. via Zoom so put a hold on your calendar and we look forward to seeing you there. Yearbook would like to remind you that personalized yearbooks are offered until January 26th. Please order your yearbook using the yearbook link at jostensyearbook.com to order and 8th Grade Ads are on sale now. The deadline to order your 8th Grade Ad is February 1. Please go to Standley Yearbook on the Standley webpage to access the link.
Thanks for listening and have a great three day weekend!
1/10/25 6 p.m.
Hello Standley Families,
This is principal Bill Pearson wishing you a Happy New Year! We hope everyone was able to safely enjoy their time off. All students in attendance today received a report card for Semester one. You may also review report cards in PowerSchool for any grading period through your child’s sign in or ParentPortal. Semester two has started with our return from break and this means a fresh start with new grades and citizenship. Be sure to reach out to teachers if you have questions or concerns about your child’s grades or how to support them in the second semester. We continue to host Homework Club after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays with teachers and peer tutors to facilitate completion of classwork and revisions. Encourage your child to attend if needed. The Standley Counselors have a Newsletter each month including a theme, parent reminders, upcoming events, and links to resources. Check it out on the Counseling Page of our school website. We would like to remind you of a few important dates this month. Schools will be closed on Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr.
The next PTSA General Association Meeting will be Jan. 22nd at 6:30 in the media center and virtually. The UC Cluster meeting is scheduled for Monday, Jan. 27th at 4:30 p.m. via Zoom so put a hold on your calendar and we look forward to seeing you there. Yearbook would like to remind you that personalized yearbooks are offered until January 26. Please order your yearbook using the yearbook link at jostensyearbook.com and 8th Grade Ads are on sale now. The deadline to order your 8th Grade Ad is February 1. Please go to Standley Yearbook on the Standley webpage to access the link.
12/20/24 6 p.m.
Hello Standley Families,
This is principal Bill Pearson wishing you the safest and happiest of holidays. Winter break has officially begun for SDUSD and schools will be closed for the next two weeks. Schools and offices will reopen on January 7th with a regular schedule. We truly hope all of our students, families, and staff find time to mentally and physically rest up for the new year. As we continue prioritizing wellness and well-being in our school communities, we would like to remind you of the San Diego Unified Health & Wellness Hotline Page. This resource serves as a hub for students, staff, and families to find information and connections to community, health and district resources. The Health & Wellness Hotline Page can connect you to neighborhood specific resources for a range of needs, including food, clothing, and housing assistance; health insurance; general medical and dental care services; wellbeing resources; district support and more.
Have a wonderful break!
12/13/24 6 p.m.
Hello Standley Families,
This is principal Bill Pearson calling with your weekly update. Winter Break is just around the corner and schools will be closed December 23rd through January 6th. Friday, December 20th will be a minimum day and school will dismiss at 1:30. Schools will resume a regular schedule on January 7th . The end of the first semester is December 20th and then all grades will start over for the second semester when we come back from break. Next week we will hold our Winter Concerts on Wednesday starting at 5:30 in the auditorium. Come to hear our Band, Orchestra, and Jazz Band performances and support the Music Boosters through donations and snack purchases. Join us for the Drama Club’s Winter Spectacular and enjoy seven one act plays on Thursday starting at 6 pm. Tickets are just $2 at the door and we would love to see you there. Encourage your child to participate in ASB’s Five Days of Jolly Spirit Week starting with Grinch Day on Monday. Other days have been announced and are on the chalkboard near the lunch court.
12/6/24 6 p.m.
Hello Standley Families,
This is principal Bill Pearson calling with your weekly update. Winter Break is just around the corner and schools will be closed December 23rd through January 6th. Friday, December 20th will be a minimum day and school will dismiss at 1:30. Schools will resume a regular schedule on January 7th . The end of the first semester is December 20th and then all grades will start over for the second semester when we come back from break. Check in with your child and make sure they are on track for the final grades. If not, strongly encourage them to check in with teachers and attend Homework Club on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:05-4:00 in the library. Peers and staff are available to help with academic needs. A late bus is available for those who ride the bus. In the holiday spirit of giving, AVID is asking you to help make the holidays great for families in need. Our annual Toys for Tots drive started this week and AVID is collecting new, unwrapped toys in their annual support of this program which is in its 77th year. Donation boxes are set up around campus and in the main office if your family would like to participate. Students will be offered a School Lunch survey on Monday so they can be part of the decision-making process. About half of the students at Standley participate in school lunch daily and their input on entrees they like is important. They are welcome to bring the survey link home and share it with you. The survey will close Tuesday. Remember, school lunch and breakfast are provided free each day and menus are available on the district website.
11/22/24 6 p.m.
Hello Standley Families,
This is principal Bill Pearson calling with your weekly update. We want to remind you that next week is Thanksgiving Break. School will not be in session and students should return on Monday, December 2nd to regularly scheduled classes. I want to take this opportunity to share a few things I am thankful for. I am thankful for our students who come to school every day ready to learn – you give us all a daily reminder of what is important and why we are here. I am thankful for the support of the parents in creating the fantastic partnerships for our students. I am thankful for the teachers, support staff, and administrators who really care about our students academically, physically, socially and have the best interests of our students at heart. I am also thankful for PTSA, UC Educate and our volunteers who enthusiastically contribute so much to our school. Please be sure your students take the time to rest and reflect on what they are thankful for and be ready to give their best when they return. We want to remind families that the end of the first semester is December 20th this year and not in January. Make sure students have all work done and any make-ups completed in enough time to be graded and entered prior to the Winter Break. Last call for the PTSA Krispy Kreme fundraiser in support of Standley Middle School students. Treat yourself and help them reach their fundraising goal! Pre-purchase Krispy Kreme eGift Cards and enjoy delicious doughnuts anytime, anywhere. A portion of each sale will be donated directly to the Standley PTSA.
11/15/24 6 p.m.
Hello Standley Families,
This is principal Bill Pearson calling with your weekly update. Thanksgiving Break is fast approaching and school will be closed November 25th-29th. New this year, the Friday before Thanksgiving Break, Winter Break, and Spring Break will be a minimum day. School will be dismissed at 1:30 next Friday. Please plan accordingly. Monday is the next UC Cluster meeting to be held virtually starting at 4:30. This is a great time to hear the latest from all schools in the cluster with opportunities to ask questions and provide input. The AVID Canned Food drive is still happening through November 18th. Remember all items must be non-perishable, and cannot be homemade goods, or come in glass jars. The Advisory Class that donates the most canned foods will be rewarded with a special treat from AVID club. Please consider donating to help the less fortunate and all items will be donated to the San Diego Food Bank. We thank you for your support. Standley PTSA is making one last request for your support with the annual Thanksgiving Breakfast for Standley staff on November 21st. Please take a look at the Sign-Up Genius and consider donating a food/drink item to help show appreciation for all they've done for our students and school so far this year. PTSA is also hosting a Krispy Kreme fundraiser in support of Standley Middle School students. Treat yourself and help them reach their fundraising goal! Pre-purchase Krispy Kreme eGift Cards and enjoy delicious doughnuts anytime, anywhere. A portion of each sale will be donated directly to the Standley PTSA.
11/8/24 6 p.m.
Hello Standley Families,
This is principal Bill Pearson calling with your weekly update. Please be aware that school will not be in session Monday due to Veteran’s Day. In honor of Veterans Day, I would like to thank everyone and their families who have served and are serving in our military. We are grateful for your service and sacrifice. Don’t forget that Thanksgiving Break is just around the corner with all schools closed November 25th-29th. All students in attendance today received a report on progress to help them make plans for what they need to do after the break leading to final grades at the end of the semester on December 20th. Remember, students can view these at any time in Powerschool. The Standley PTSA is holding its annual Thanksgiving Breakfast for Standley teachers and staff on November 21st. Please take a look at the Sign-Up Genius and consider donating a food/drink item to help us show our appreciation for all they've done for our students and school so far this year. You may also reach out to [email protected] with other suggestion and we thank you for considering. As SDUSD continues to engage in a conversation to address the projected $176 million budget gap for the 2025-26 school year, we invite you to join us for a community input session on Thursday, November 21, 5:00-6:30 p.m. at Crawford High School in the Professional Development Room. During this meeting, we will review the proposed solutions our community has provided through the online budget feedback form. We will also take a closer look at budget strategies and expenses tied to the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) aligned with the district’s Goals and Guardrails. Students, staff, families and educational partners are encouraged to participate in this interactive engagement session.
11/1/24 6 p.m.
Hello Standley Families,
This is principal Bill Pearson calling with your weekly update. Don’t forget that Sunday is the end of Daylight Savings so set your clocks back one hour before you go to bed to avoid scheduling issues on Monday. AVID’s Annual Canned Food Drive is taking place now until the 18th of November. We need your help to donate canned food and other non-perishable items to those in need. Boxes for the canned goods were passed out to all Advisory Classes this week. Remember all items must be non-perishable, and cannot be homemade goods, or come in glass jars. The Advisory Class that donates the most canned foods will be rewarded with a special treat from AVID club. Please consider donating to help the less fortunate and all items will be donated to the San Diego Food Bank. We thank you for your support. Congratulations to the winners of our 5 on 5 Lunchtime Basketball Tournament. Thirteen teams have been competing for the title and the Pistons came out on top. Thank you to all the teams that played providing great entertainment at lunch and good sportsmanship. Today is the end of the second grading period and students will receive a report on progress next Friday. You may view grades now by logging into Powerschool through the Parent Portal or your students log in. We want to remind you that students may attend Homework Club every Tuesday and Thursday after school to get help from peers and staff so they can get work done before they go home. If your student is not meeting standards and needs support, encourage or expect them to attend. A late bus is available for students who ride the bus or live in the bus drop off area so it is available to all. Finally, just to make sure you are prepared, school will be closed on Monday, November 11th in observance of Veterans’ Day. School will resume a normal schedule on the 12th.
10/25/24 6 p.m.
Hello Standley Families,
This is principal Bill Pearson calling with your weekly update. Next week is Red Ribbon week with scheduled spirit days all week. We will kick off our anti-drug week by asking students to wear Red on Monday. Other days will be announced to students so they can show their commitment to staying drug free. Next week is also Halloween and there are several events you should know about. You are invited to an unforgettable Halloween night of Fun at UC High School on Thursday from 5-7:30! Put on your best costume and come celebrate a night filled with exciting activities, delightful treats, spooky entertainment, games, activities by clubs, and booths from local businesses. Though Thursday is Halloween, there are no costumes, masks, or props allowed at school that day. If students need to bring their costume for events after school, they may leave it in the main office for the day. ASB is hosting our biggest event of the year on Friday called Fright Night. We are currently selling tickets to the event for $2 in the financial office to attend the closed campus event from 4-6. Have you purchased a yearbook yet this year? All students who buy a yearbook will be invited to our "Yearbook Signing Party" at the end of the year. Buy your yearbook before the price increases from $43 to $48 in December and 8th Grade Yearbook Ads are on sale now. Find forms and links on our website or Standley PTSA’s. The San Diego County Office of Education and Computers2Kids are hosting a drive through event for families to purchase affordable computers on Saturday, November 2, from 9 to 11:00 a.m. at Morse High School located at 6905 Skyline Drive. Complete the application using the link in the corresponding email or call (858) 200-9788 to be eligible.
10/18/24 6 p.m.
Hello Standley Families,
This is principal Bill Pearson calling with your weekly update. Thank you to the families that attended the SafetyNet presentation this week. We strongly encourage all families to incorporate the tips provided to help your child maintain healthy boundaries when using their device online. No students under 13 should have a social media account based on research but that is also the legal minimum age for most platforms. As a parent, you have the right to know all accounts and passwords for any platform that your child may have and should monitor regularly. Thank you PTSA and its supporters for an amazing Parent Party last Friday and a highly successful fundraiser auction supporting Standley Middle School. PTSA and volunteers have also finished one of the most successful Book Fairs on record this week. We hope your child was able to find a book and get excited about reading. Standley holds monthly safety drills for all types of emergencies and this Thursday we participated in the California Great Shakeout to review procedures and safety during an earthquake. The Board of Education will hold a special meeting to discuss the budget on Monday, October 21st from noon to 3 p.m. at the Ballard Parent Center Auditorium, located at 2375 Congress St., San Diego, CA 92110. The workshop is open to the public and they invite all to attend. The purpose of the meeting is to provide an overview of the budget and for the Board to discuss potential solutions to address the projected budget gap. This will be an informational meeting, and therefore no voting or decisions will be made at the workshop. The agenda for the special meeting will be posted on Friday, October 18 at noon, along with the link to sign up for public comment on agenda items.
10/11/24 6 p.m.
Hello Standley Families,
This is principal Bill Pearson calling with your weekly update. The Standley PTSA is hosting the Scholastic Book Fair all next week on site. The Book Fair will be open before school, during both lunches and students will come with their English class during the week. PTSA is looking for volunteers to support the event. Book Fairs are an excellent opportunity to get on campus and observe middle schoolers. You might even be able to spot your own child and say hello to their friends. Visit the Standley PTSA website to sign up. Parents may create a free e-Wallet account to add funds and/or invite family and friends to contribute so your child can select their own books without needing cash on campus! The San Diego Unified School District (District) annually notifies students, employees, parents or guardians of its students, the district advisory committee, school advisory committees, appropriate private school officials, and other interested parties of the Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP) process. The UCP Annual Notice is available on our website or by clicking the link in the corresponding email. We enjoyed seeing over 100 6th grade families sharing time and lunch on the lawn yesterday and hope 7th and 8th grade families are able to attend. Lunch on the Lawn for 7th grade is scheduled for the 28th of October and 8th grade is scheduled for November 7th. Finally, the PTSA Parent Party is tonight and if you are not already there you can still participate in the Silent Auction until 9:00 tonight to support PTSA and Standley Middle School.
10/3/24 6 p.m.
Hello Standley Families,
This is principal Bill Pearson calling with your weekly update. Remember, that tomorrow is a non-instructional day and all SDUSD schools will be closed. We will return on Monday with a regular schedule. Please speak with your child about safety to and from school whether they are walking or riding a bike. Remind them to follow the laws by using crosswalks, wearing helmets, and obeying traffic rules. We are seeing a rise in Ebikes this year and, speaking of following the law, thought you should know that students under 16 are not allowed to ride a Class III ebike. Class III ebikes have a top speed of 28 mph with pedal assist. In addition, children under 16 can’t have passengers on any class ebikes. We expect that families will hold their children accountable to these laws to keep them, and others, safe. Fall sports are still under way but students should know that sign-ups for the winter sports of Volleyball and Soccer are starting now. The new season starts the week of November 4th and students can find the link on our Standley website or see the flyer in the main office. You have heard about the PTSA parent party scheduled for October 11th at Alesmith and now they are hosting the Scholastic Book Fair at Standley. The Book Fair will run October 14-18 in the mornings and both lunches. Students love to visit the Book Fair and it is a great opportunity to get involved. You may sign up to volunteer in the Book Fair by clicking the link in the corresponding email or visiting the Standley PTSA website. Next week we are hosting a SafetyNet Presentation for all students during PE classes on Tuesday. The San Diego Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force (SD-ICAC) and the San Diego Police Foundation are providing tools to help families manage their online lives. Students will learn about cyberbullying, social networking, gaming, sexting, and online predators. Parents and caregivers are invited to attend a parent presentation from SafetyNet on the 15th at 6:30 pm virtually. If you do not want your child to attend, simply call the main office and let us know. Finally, don’t forget to attend the annual UC Educate Oktoberfest held at the Standley Park from 2-6 on Saturday. Enjoy a fun-filled afternoon for the whole family with a craft fair, food, games, entertainment, and their famous beer & wine garden. Proceeds go to support all 5 UC Cluster schools, so we hope to see you there.
9/27/24 6 p.m.
Hello Standley Families,
This is principal Bill Pearson calling with your weekly update. Next Friday, October 4th, is a non-instructional day in San Diego Unified which means schools are closed. Please make sure to plan ahead for your family’s needs. Mark your calendars for October 5th to attend the annual UC Educate Oktoberfest held at the Standley Park from 2-6. Enjoy a fun-filled afternoon FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY with a craft fair, food, games, entertainment, and their famous beer & wine garden. Proceeds go to support all 5 UC Cluster schools, so we hope to see you there. Homework Club started this week and was well attended. Your child can attend every Tuesday and Thursday after school to get help from peers and staff to complete homework before going home. Encourage your child to attend to build good academic habits. Finally, don’t forget to sign up for the PTSA Parent Party on October 11th. Come out to meet other parents, mingle with teachers, bid on some AMAZING silent auction items, support the Standley PTSA and simply unwind and enjoy a wonderful venue, AleSmith Brewing Company. All proceeds help fund Standley middle school student activities and enhance their middle school experience throughout the year. Buy your tickets today!
9/20/24 6 p.m.
Hello Standley Families,
This is principal Bill Pearson calling with your weekly update. Our after-school tutoring program, Homework Club, begins next week and will continue the rest of the year every Tuesday and Thursday from 2:55-3:55 in the media center. The purpose of Homework Club is for students to get assistance on any homework from either a staff member or peer tutor. Homework Club is not an after-school care program, or a holding area between school and outside activities. Students must bring work to do at all times with the goal of getting all homework done before they go home so their evenings are free. Students must sign up in the main office during lunch each day they plan on attending Homework Club. Rules will be posted at the sign ups and reviewed in the media center. You may find them attached to this email. Encourage your child to attend as needed or as part of your daily routine. Standley Middle School has developed a written Parent and Family Engagement Policy and School Parent Compact with input from parents and staff through the School Site Council. These documents outline how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership to help children achieve the state’s high standards. The Student EXCEL Card program is a collaborative effort between San Diego Public Library and San Diego Unified with the goal to get a library card in the hands of every student in the district. All TK-12th grade students enrolled in a non-charter San Diego Unified School will be registered for a Student EXCEL Library Card account. Just go to the nearest library with a student ID to activate your card. Finally, don’t forget to sign up for the PTSA Parent Party on October 11th. Come out to meet other parents, mingle with teachers, bid on some AMAZING silent auction items, support the Standley PTSA and simply unwind and enjoy a wonderful venue, AleSmith Brewing Company. All proceeds help fund Standley middle school student activities and enhance their middle school experience throughout the year. Buy your tickets today!
School Parent Compact
Parent and Family Engagement Policy
SD Library Excel Card
9/13/24 6 p.m.
Hello Standley Families,
This is principal Bill Pearson calling with your weekly update. Did you miss us Friday night? Our apologies for the message not delivering as expected. Here is what you missed. The first UC Cluster meeting meeting of the year is tonight at 4:30 on zoom. Please join us to hear the latest in our cluster. We want to remind parents that you may personally deliver items and lunch for your students but we will not accept any delivery services ordered by parents or students in the main office. Delivery services may not deliver directly to students through the gates or fences. SDUSD now offers parents a way to control the school issued device while at home. We use a program called Blocksi in classrooms and parents now have access to a version for the home. Click on the Parent Job Aid for information on how to register so that you may block websites, turn off internet access, and create internet access schedules at home. Don’t forget to head to standleyptsa.org to grab your Parent Party tickets for October 11th and watch for the online auction preview on October 4th, they have a lot of great items up for grabs and all the funds go back to support the teachers and students. Finally, join me on September 19th at 8:15 am in the media center for Coffee with the Principal to hear about what is happening at Standley and ask questions. Just check in at the main office.
8/30/24 6 p.m.
Hello Standley Families,
This is principal Bill Pearson calling with your weekly update. We want to remind you that schools will be closed Monday in observance of Labor Day. School will resume with a normal schedule on Tuesday. We would like to offer a huge thanks to all the families that showed up to our Back To School Night. It was a great turnout and thanks for attending the PTSA meeting afterward. We are grateful for your support and look forward to a fantastic year. Next Tuesday we will host a Parent Presentation called “Tools for Success” at 6:00 p.m. virtually. Hear about all the resources available to help you help your student get unstuck when they are stuck. The link will be available on our school website Tuesday afternoon. Next Wednesday, any student that did not get their school picture taken will do so during PE classes. This is the last chance to take a professional photo with Jostens for IDs and the yearbook. Coaches will have a list of students that did not take their picture on PTSA Prep Day. Middle School Athletics is in high gear here at Standley! Thank you to all the Standley Student Athletes that tried out for Basketball and Track & Field. The final Rosters have been decided by their respective coaches, and our first games and Track Meets start next Saturday. Standley is trying to secure full funding for next year and you can help by completing your LCFF form in Powerschool. If you have not completed the form yet you will receive a separate message from the school to do so. We thank you for taking the time to fill it out and submit getting us closer to our goal.
8/23/2024 6 p.m.
Hello Standley Families,
This is principal Bill Pearson calling with your weekly update. We have been reviewing the schoolwide expectations during Academic Prep classes for the last two weeks and held Behavior Expectations Assemblies Thursday through PE. At this point, all students in attendance have heard our expectations and general school rules twice. They are also in the first 18 pages of the planner to review at any time. Starting Monday, we will be holding students accountable to all rules and expectations. The most common issues are cell phones, tardies, and dress code. Cell phones are allowed in possession but must be turned off and put away at 8:05 each day. They may not be used at any time in school unless a teacher allows for an educational opportunity. They may be turned back on at dismissal. Phones will be confiscated and could require a parent to pick up. Students may go to the office to make a phone call in an emergency, and you can relay messages to them through the office. Phones are not required at school for any purpose. The majority of students are on time to classes and being in class on time is vital to hearing instructions for the daily work. Teachers will mark students tardy if they are not in the classroom on time. Tardies will result in lowered citizenship marks and students may be required to make up chronic tardies during lunch. Students that are still having issues getting to a class on time should speak to their teacher to help find a solution.
We hope to see you at the Standley Back to School Night next Wednesday with classroom visits starting at 6:00 pm. We will hold the annual ELAC and Title 1 meeting in the library at 5:15 followed by an introduction to Ed Specialists for families with IEPs at 5:30. Standley Music will perform starting at 5:30 and there will be a GATE meeting at 5:45. Immediately following Back to School Night, PTSA will host its first General Association Meeting of the year in the library at 7:45. Students are not required to attend this event but are welcome to come. Please make sure you know your child’s schedule prior to attending. It can be found on Powerschool ParentPortal or you can ask them. We will send a flyer home next week.
8/16/24 6 p.m.
Hello Standley Families,
This is principal Bill Pearson thanking your family for an amazing first week of school. All students in attendance should have received a Standley Planner to stay organized for the year. Be sure to review the first 18 pages of the planner with your child as those are the basic expectations at school. All students have access to one free breakfast and lunch and we encourage families to take advantage of the delicious options. Currently about half the school is participating but lines clear within 10 minutes of a 30 minute lunch with plenty of time to eat and hang out. You can view menus and nutrition information at SDUSD Food Services. We have been reviewing schedule change requests daily and students will be notified if a schedule change was approved. It is not possible to accommodate requests to move teachers or periods as all students need each class and we only have so many teachers and periods in a day. Any mistakes have been corrected and we will continue to work with teachers to makes sure students are in the correct placements and electives. We thank all of our families for courteous driving at drop off and pick up each day keeping those times safe for students. Spreckels Elementary has asked me to remind our families to not park in their staff lot while waiting for students. UC High has asked us to let you know that the UC cluster Community Night is Friday, August 23rd at UCHS football field and basketball blacktop. The fun starts at 5:30pm. All are welcome to join in on the night! There will be games, face paint, spirit wear, activities, and of course, UCHS football! We hope to see you there!
Finally, we want to get some dates on your calendar.
August 28th is our Standley Back to School Night
September 2nd no school for Labor Day
September 3rd we will provide a virtural Tools for Success Parent Presentation
And September 4th is our make-up picture day through PE
8/9/24 10:00 a.m.
Hello Standley Families,
This is principal Bill Pearson calling with your weekly update. The first day of school begins Monday with the first bell ringing at 8:00 a.m. and a 2:45 dismissal. We will pass out schedules by grade level and alpha to all students starting at 7:30 on the lunch court. Each schedule will have all of their classes, room numbers, teacher names, ID#, and a school map. Students will be able to type in their ID number for breakfast and lunch until they get their ID cards. Please see the attached map or visit our website to see locations if you are new to Standley. If you have a free morning on Monday and would like to help us distribute schedules to students, we have a few sign ups available on the link provided in the corresponding email. We know students are finding creative ways to look at draft schedules on-line but these are not accurate so students must pick up a schedule on Monday and follow that schedule. They may go to the wrong classes otherwise. Staff will be out in force to help them find their way and answer questions. If a student notices a problem, like a missing class or the wrong class, they will go to the counseling office during the period with the problem to get it fixed. We ask that parents do not join students on campus or in buildings to minimize crowds and keep lines organized. Please do not use the staff parking lots for drop-off or pick-up. The drive-way must remain clear for district vehicles and school buses. Drop-offs and pick-ups are along Governor and/or Radcliffe. All students will be able to pick up a breakfast item every morning, no charge, and lunch will continue to be free for all students this year. All students need to bring their school issued laptop, charged, with the charging cable and positive attitude. Teachers will let students know what is recommended throughout the course of the day. Students will not be marked tardy and we will assist them getting to classes. We are super excited to welcome students back to campus and staff have been preparing classrooms and activities worthy of your children. We look forward to partnering with you on your child’s educational journey this year. Please refer to our website for more information about Standley and don’t forget to sign up with PTSA!
Volunteer For Schedule Distribution Here
Sign up for PTSA Here
24/25 FAQ
School Map
7/26/24 6:00 p.m.
Hello Standley Families,
This is Principal Bill Pearson calling to welcome your family to Standley Middle School. Thank you for partnering with us on your child’s middle school journey this year. Standley offices will re-open on July 29th with office hours of 8-3 until school starts on August 12th. We will be working to create schedules for all students to make sure they have all the classes they need. You can help with this important process by keeping us up to date on your enrollment. If you know you will not be returning to Standley next year, we ask that you email our office ([email protected] ) as soon as possible to let us know. We can drop your student which then allows you to enroll them in their new school with enough time for the new school to include them in the scheduling process. We will provide a New Student Orientation presentation for families that have not attended a Standley Orientation previously with the link available on our website July 30th and it will remain through August. We want to get the PTSA Prep Day on your calendar for August 6th from 8:00-11:00 am. Families will be able to take their school photo for ID’s, purchase PE clothes, take a self-guided tour, and visit information tables for school activities. This is run by volunteers coordinated through the PTSA and your help is needed. This is a great way to get connected to other parents and participate. Check out the sign up link and see if you can help out! Maybe you haven’t even considered school yet, but if you have and want more information, please see our responses to the most frequently asked questions on the FAQ link found on our website or the corresponding email. Finally, Middle School Athletics will continue this year in SDUSD. We will kick off the year with basketball and track & field with an opening week of tryouts on August 19th so be sure to register your child if they are interested.
We are looking forward to partnering with you this year on the middle school journey. We hope the remainder of your summer is awesome!
William Pearson
Standley Middle School